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Deb Simons Retirement

As we honor and celebrate the retirement of Deb Simons, we asked her to look back on the 16 wonderful years she’s been serving at Lake Central and share a few of her experiences. We are so grateful for Deb and Ron and the impact they have made on our Lake Central team and the communities in which we serve.

What do you recall about the beginning of your tenure at the bank?

My first day on the job was January 31, 2005. I can tell you that the first couple weeks were like a blur to me! There was so much to learn, there’s a lot more to the job than anybody could imagine.  

What positions have you held over the years?  

I pretty much stuck with my teller role. I tried New Accounts but didn’t really care for it. I also did a stint as the receptionist after Karen retired. I guess I just really missed my interaction with the customers! I eventually became the back-up teller and I’ve just kept that position until now.

What is your fondest memory?

I’m going away with so many great memories, I don’t know how to narrow that down to one. But after spending some time thinking about it, I really think about my first years with the bank and working Saturdays. Dwayne would come to town for his newspaper, and he’d bring donuts to whoever was working. When he did that, it just seemed so special.

What will you miss most?

Well, of course, I’ve made special bonds with many of the customers and co-workers, I’ll miss that so much. But what I’ll miss the most is everything the bank has done outside in the community. I was able to do so many things and get to know so many people who work in our community that I wouldn’t have been able to do if I hadn’t been working here. It was a wonderful experience and I’ll never forget it.

What are you looking forward to in the weeks and months ahead?

First, I think sleeping past 6 AM more than one or two days in a row will be nice! My husband Ron and I will be leaving for Michigan for a couple of weeks to see some people we haven’t seen in a while. We’ll spend time walking the shores of Lake Superior, visiting some waterfalls and getting my mother’s house freshened up. Hopefully we’ll get to spend time with her face to face instead of through the looking glass.  

I’ll miss you all very much!

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